American International Certificateof Secondary Education

AICSE, a program created and developed by Academica USA, prepares students for higher education in America by having them achieve a high level of competency through the accomplishment of three major objectives.


One program - 3 major objectives

1American High School Education

Upon completion of the course the student will qualify for the AICSE- an accredited American high school diploma. This diploma paves the way for admission to colleges & universities in the USA and the rest of the world.

2Technological Immersion

The student acquires responsibility and maturity in their work, with a strong level of autonomy, time management, flexibility, and ability to work in multicultural settings.

3Personal Development

Students will master advanced US English speaking and writing levels.


How it works

Indian students pursuing AICSE have to take only 6 additional subjects to earn the American high school diploma. The international agreements reached by Academica and the educational excellence of the program allow the maximum possible validation of Indian school credits. 75% of the 24 credits required to obtain the AICSE American high school diploma are granted to the student from the course they are pursuing in India.

Of these 6 subjects, three are on US English. This enables students to develop a mastery in the English language in reading, writing, and public speaking, that will be on par with that of native English speakers in the USA.

Proposed Student Program 2021

3-Year Program

1st Year (Class IX): US English I & US History

2nd Year (Class X): US English II & US Government/Economics

3rd Year (Class XI): US English III & SAT/ACT Test Prep


I think the best thing about our work, though invisible most of the time, is that we help students realize their incredible potential.- Director of Global Student Services

Terms & Conditions

Academica's educational services and its institutions are accredited under the highest standards of the American educational system: the State of Florida and its Department of Education, US Department of Education, National Blue Ribbon Schools, Cognia, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

Indian students will receive the same diploma as American high school graduates at the end of high school, which is recognized in all states and universities throughout the world.


About Academica

Academica, an institution of recognized prestige

Academica is one of the nation’s longest- serving and most successful education service organizations, providing professional services and related support to public charter schools*. Academica manages more than 150 "brick and mortar" schools with over 100,000 students that cover all diverse communities across more than 10 states including Florida, Texas, Nevada, Washington DC, Utah and California.


Leader in virtual education

Academica is one of the institutions in the United States recognized as a provider of accredited public online education, providing services to their own schools as well as other public and private schools in the United States.

Academica in the world

AICSE has its origin in 2001, when Academica started an official program of validation with different countries to enable students to obtain an American high school diploma while simultaneously completing the Higher Secondary examination from their home country.

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